Cut your bug resolution
time in half

Imagine App Store Image that also records console messages and network requests, built right into your app App Store Image .
App Store Image

This is what you would get when your users report a bug

Philosophy: Bug reporting should be easy, fast, and effortless.

How does it work?


Integrate GlitchReel in your app

Add our lightweight widget to your web app with the given integration code. It's quick and easy to set up.


Users Report Bugs

When users encounter issues, they can easily report them using the GlitchReel widget integrated in your app, capturing all necessary context.


Developers Fix Faster

With comprehensive bug reports, your developers can quickly identify and resolve issues, improving your app's quality.

Capture bugs with context

Bug Reports Your Developers Will Love

GlitchReel generates comprehensive bug reports, capturing users' screens, console logs, and network requests. This detailed information helps developers identify and resolve bugs quickly.

Device Info
Captures users' browser, OS, region, and screen size.
Console Logs
Logs users' browser errors, warnings, and messages.
Network Requests
Records details of users' network requests, including URL, method, and headers.

Built-In Bug Reporting

Make Your Users Feel Heard

Allow users to report bugs directly from your app. GlitchReel manages the rest, minimizing back-and-forth with your support team.

Easy Integration
Integrate GlitchReel with just a few lines of code.
Secure by Design
GlitchReel doesn't record sensitive information. You control what gets recorded.
Tailor GlitchReel to match your brand and app's design.

Bug Reporting

With GlitchReel

Users report bugs directly from your app with one click.

Without GlitchReel

Users struggle to explain issues via email or chat, causing confusion.

Data Collection

With GlitchReel

Includes screen recordings, console logs, network logs, and more.

Without GlitchReel

Developers rely on incomplete or vague descriptions from users.

Developer Efficiency

With GlitchReel

Developers get all the info they need to fix bugs fast.

Without GlitchReel

Developers waste time chasing down details and reproducing errors.

User Experience

With GlitchReel

Smooth, branded bug reporting integrated into your product.

Without GlitchReel

Frustrating, time-consuming process for users to report issues.

Resolution Time

With GlitchReel

Quicker issue resolution with clear, actionable data.

Without GlitchReel

Longer delays as devs hunt for clues and request more info.

Choose your plan

Simple pricing for everyone. Start for free or unlock all features with our limited-time lifetime deal.

Free forever (No credit card required)

  • 3 bug reports per month
  • 15-day data retention
  • Priority support
Limited Time Offer.
Pay once, use forever.


$89 One-time payment
  • 20 bug reports per month
  • 90-day data retention
  • Priority support


Frequently Asked Questions

Is GlitchReel compatible with my existing web application?

Absolutely! GlitchReel is designed to integrate seamlessly with any web application, regardless of the framework or technology stack. It's a plug-and-play solution that enhances bug reporting and user experience.

What are the steps to integrate GlitchReel into my web application?

Integration is straightforward: once you sign up, you'll receive a widget code. Simply copy and paste this code into your application to activate GlitchReel. The whole process takes less than a minute.

How does GlitchReel differ from other screen recording tools like Loom?

Unlike general screen recording tools such as Loom, GlitchReel provides a comprehensive bug report that captures not just the screen, but also console logs, network requests, and device details. This allows developers to quickly identify and fix issues.

Can I customize the GlitchReel widget to match my brand?

Yes, GlitchReel offers extensive customization options. You can adjust the widget's appearance and functionality to seamlessly blend with your brand and the aesthetics of your application.

Empower Your Team!

Eliminate the back-and-forth between your support, users and developers today.